Welcome to 1st Merrow Scout Group's website.
We are a large Scout group situated in Merrow which is in the Guildford East District of Surrey
We encompass a large age range which meet in the following sections:
Beavers: 6 - 8 years (3 Colonies, Wednesday 6-7pm & Thursday 4-5pm and 6-7pm)
Cubs: 8 - 10½ years (3 Packs, Monday, Wednesday & Thursday evenings)
Scouts: 10½ - 14 years (2 Troops, Tuesday and Friday evenings)
Explorers: 14 -18 years (1 Unit, Monday evening)
Please click on any of the sections for more information including meeting times and contact details.
All our leaders and helpers are volunteers, we have a long waiting list and would love to open more sections but cannot do so without more volunteers!
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