If you want to get your son or daughter involved then please add your child's name to the 1st Merrow Scout Group waiting list by completing and submitting the waiting list form.
We are a very popular Scout Group and have a long waiting list, currently the only guaranteed way of getting your child into 1st Merrow is to volunteer as a leader.
We are always interested in hearing from adults wishing to volunteer as leaders and adult helpers. If you are 18yrs or older and interested in getting involved please complete and submit the volunteers form.
If you are not sure if you could be a leader please read the following from Chris who has been a leader for about a year:
Let me start by being honest, my first steps toward the world of scout leading was born of frustration with long waiting lists. I dropped an email to an anonymous scouting email address asking if I could help start a new pack. It was a bit of a flippant request but a few days later, and much to my surprise, that email was followed up by a phone call from Michael Eagle. Michael is a charming man whose enthusiasm for scouting was utterly infectious. 20 minutes later and I was certain that becoming a leader would not only be a valuable use of my time but a truly fulfilling activity. A coffee with the equally charming Mr Hunt and the deal was done. I signed up to help pull Merrow "Explorers" Cub Pack out of moth balls and open up places for a load more kids including my eldest son. My limited writing skills cannot fully express how pleased I am to help run our cub pack. The boys are fantastic, exhausting but always fun to be around. The leaders I "work" with are lovely people who I instantly liked. I find myself evangelising to my friends who look at me like I am mad. Maybe they are right and the key to staying dedicated to the cause is having that slightly immature streak, a childish sparkle in the eyes, relishing the silliness, but at the same appreciating the moments when you see a cub thrive in an environment you helped build for them. I love my new job.
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