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Waiting list form

1st Merrow Scout Group run a single waiting list for all of it's sections therefore you only need to register your child once. When young people become too old for one section without the offer of a place (e.g. Beavers), they will remain on the list and may be offered a place at another section (e.g. Cubs).
Please note that our waiting list is very long and there is no guarantee that your son or daughter will be offered a place.
This waiting list is only for places at 1st Merrow Scout Group, please see for details of other Scout Groups in the District

Child's First Name
Child's Last Name
Child's Date of Birth
Child's Gender
Notifications and correspondence will be sent to this email address.
We cannot run 1st Merrow Scout Group without adult help. You do not have to commit to being available every week. We are always on the lookout for people with skills ranging from administration to adventurous activities. Please tell us how you are able to help?

Relevant Policies
Group Membership - Waiting List and Membership Policy
Data Protection - Data Protection Policy
Note - To avoid losing any data already entered in the Form, please use your browsers back arrow to return to this page after reading the policies.

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